Discover Your True Calling Workshop

Do you know your true calling?

Join this FREE workshop LIVE on Friday June 23rd at 11:00 am eastern

Even though I have a successful coaching business that is my true calling, I spent 2 decades in a career that was NOT my true calling. 

What most people see is a fulfilled and joyful Julie, but what many don't know about me, is that I struggled for years in a career that depleted my soul.

I would have stomach pain on Sunday nights thinking about the week ahead.  I dreaded Mondays. My patience was thin with my kids and husband because I wasn't truly happy.

I didn't know this though. I didn't know that the real issue was that I had not discovered my true calling. I thought it was just how life is. The groundhog day life. The pushing away the desire for more life. 

Until I discovered my true calling and everything changed.  This is why I am so committed to helping more women discover their true calling. 

The biggest hurdle to step into your true calling? 


That is what this workshop will help uncover.

Here is what you will learn:

  • What a true calling is and how it can create fulfillment & joy in your life
  • How the Gene Keys & Human Design can be the tools to discover your true calling
  • A path forward to step into your unique calling NOW

Simply register for the workshop & we will send you the Zoom link & button to add the event to your calendar.

Be sure to subscribe to the email list as well so you don't miss a thing!

Send this to a friend! The more the merrier! 

xo, Julie

P.S. Replay will be posted after the workshop if you can't attend live. 
